By Leah Zamora

Southern Baptists’ quick response to the earthquake in Nepal on April 25 helped to reach thousands with desperately needed supplies to survive the first few weeks.

Nepal: A Spiritual Reconstruction from AsiaStories on Vimeo.

Your gifts to BGR’s Nepal Earthquake Response Fund allowed international Christian workers to be the “hands and feet” of Christ immediately following the crisis. But now the next phase begins — rebuilding — and your help is still needed.

A local Nepali believer asks that you pray as they begin a new normal in his country. He feels that God has a plan for Nepal in the wake of this disaster. In this country where only 1 percent of its 28.8 million population are followers of Christ, this believer says now is the time for a “spiritual reconstruction.”

“People can transform their lives through this pain,” he says. “We need to show Jesus’ love through our actions.”

International Christian worker Carl Russell* explains the importance of this statement.

“In South Asia, people most often hear best with their eyes,” Russell says. ”So when they see Christ working, they are much more apt to believe than when they just hear. Pray for opportunities for believers to show people who Christ is.”

It’s not too late to make an impact on Nepal. You can help with this “spiritual reconstruction”:

To donate:

To volunteer to pray:

To volunteer to go:

*Name changed