My co leader Kristi and I have been truly blessed to watch God work in and through the lives of the girls in our Connection Group the past couple of years – we’ve become family! This year we have challenged the girls and also ourselves to be more welcoming and accepting of new people into our group. We try to teach the importance of seeking out people who are sitting alone at Salt or who look like they might be having a hard day on campus. Because of this, we have new faces around the circle all the time!

Morgan is one example of this. We met Morgan at Salt Company on February 7th, the night of the deadline to sign up for the Spring Retreat. Although she didn’t really know any of us, she signed up for the retreat and proceeded to regularly come to our Connection Group. We could tell she was taking steps closer to following Christ!

At the retreat, she shared that she was blown away by the authenticity of the girls she’d met in our group and had never felt so loved and accepted. That night, February 22nd, she gave her life to Christ! Not only was her life forever changed, but also all of ours were as well as we watched God transform her heart and give her new life. God has been so good and faithful to our group! What started out encouraging our girls quickly became an even deeper encouragement and challenge to us personally. Kristi and I have been truly blessed to be a part of The Salt Company the past several years – to experience God both through our Connection Group and personally, as we learn and grow as His disciples!