By Megan Oelschlager

Chelsea attended the last Salt Company of the fall semester before we departed for winter break. Her interest that night was piqued and as she left the doors of Candeo Church, she decided she was interested in learning more. Chelsea reached out to the Salt Company staff about her interest in joining a connection group and shortly after was plugged in with my co-leader, Jordyn, and me. Chelsea attended our first connection group and has experienced incredible growth up until now, just a short amount of time later.

Prior to attending our connection group, she also attended a Salt hangout where she arrived alone and knew no one going. Her experience at the hangout drew her to attend Candeo church just a couple days later where her interest in Jesus and the gospel continued to grow. It was this day that Chelsea surrendered her life to Christ in the midst of many questions regarding her standing before the Lord. When hanging out with Chelsea initially, she expressed her struggles with anxiety and depression, and how she didn’t want to live life alone and upset anymore. Later that week Chelsea met with another Salt Company staff member and shared those same struggles. In those meetings, she became settled with her desire to live a life for Christ.

Today, when Chelsea enters our group, it’s like a different person has shown up. She comes with a lightness and a growing joy in her spirit. Her temptations to live the life she once had still causes her fear, although she’ll also confess that she feels at ease knowing Jesus is right alongside of her. She delights in the community that loves and supports her.

Not only is Chelsea pursuing her new relationship with relationship with Christ, but her parents have also begun attending Candeo and getting plugged in. I had the privilege to meet Chelsea’s mom and dad at a Candeo Service a few weeks ago. When church was over I was out in the foyer and noticed Chelsea’s mom and dad at the resource center joining a connection group. I look forward to seeing Chelsea and her parents grow in their relationship with Jesus. Praise God for Chelsea and her family!