The Salt Company Iowa City LogoBy Shannon Ness, Salt Company Coordinator

Danny was fully embracing the party scene at the University of Iowa. For the majority of his nights, he would stay out until three or four in the morning living an unhealthy lifestyle full of lying and cheating. He found himself living a life of darkness. Instead of seeking love from Christ, he sought love from people he know would only be there for a night. He now looks back on this time in his life and describes it as a time full of hatred where he felt like dying and crying.

The pastor at Veritas encouraged Danny to meet with someone who could share the Gospel with him and to explain what it looks like to follow Christ. While having breakfast with Jon, a student from Salt Company, he decided to give himself to God. He felt ready to build a relationship with God, because he was tired of living a life full of hatred towards himself and he realized that God had already forgiven him for his sins. During breakfast, he described to Jon the life that he was living and how he continually pushed those that loved him most away. He was ready for change and ready to accept the love of Jesus Christ in his life. On that day, he felt a huge weight lifted off his back as if Jesus was saying, “Here Danny, let me take all of your sins away from you and let me take care of them for you. All you have to do is believe and follow me.”

Since then, he has stopped seeking alcohol as a solution to pain. Instead he seeks the Lord to fill him more and more each day. In every part of his life, he seeks Jesus. Rather he is driving, showering, or heading to class, he is talking with Christ. His prayer is a song of praise. Thanking God for revealing Himself to him and for surrounding him with the community of Salt Company.