Meet Martha Moore

Martha MooreMartha Moore is an IMB missionary living in Germany. She represents more than 4,800 missionaries serving around the world, and she knows a dollar goes a long way as Christians work together. Martha’s story is just one example of students, U.S. churches and a missionary all working together to tell people about Jesus.

  • University students love to come to parties. Martha Moore’s team in Germany hosts parties throughout the year, giving believers access to students they wouldn’t normally get to meet.
  • Abraham is a young man who became a follower of Jesus. Several factors played a role in his decision:
    o International World Changers from the U.S. delivering party invitations
    o Martha Moore’s discipleship
    o The friendship of believers in Spain
  • When you give to international missions, you help missionaries lead new believers like Abraham to Jesus. Abraham now leads Bible studies and teaches English as opportunities to tell about Jesus! Because you give, Martha Moore and other missionaries around the world can disciple and train national Christians and partner with churches like yours.
  • At a cost of $40, Martha provides a traditional German meal of salami, cheese and bread to feed students in her apartment.Because you give, tubs of gummy bears, costing about $10 a bucket, fill a coffee table in Martha Moore’s apartment. Students help staple candy bags to invitations to attend a student ministry.

Set your goal

Whatever the size of your church, every dollar makes a difference in reaching the world for Jesus. This year, set an offering goal to support an IMB missionary for a day, a week, a month or even a year.

  • $50,800 a year (average as of March 2014)
  • $4,233 a month
  • $977 a week
  • $139 a day

Giving together to international missions provides missionaries opportunities to share God’s love with people all over the world. What will your church give during VBS to support and send more missionaries to the field? Go to to see a global picture of the difference your church can make as we work together #becauseyougive.

Take action

1. God does big things as we work together. Go to Twitter and post how God is working at your church. Use #becauseyougive. (Sample tweet: “Our church is prayerfully setting a goal for our VBS missions offering this year!” #becauseyougive)

2. BONUS: Meet Martha Moore in VBS curriculum. Each year IMB partners with LifeWay Christian Resources in the VBS missions rotation. You will see Martha Moore’s story in Agency D3 in the mission rotation. You can also share Martha’s story on video.

3. Every penny you give to the IMB global missions offering, called the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering, supports missionaries who share the Gospel overseas. We encourage you to give through your local church, but we also offer an option for online giving.