The Salt Company LogoThe Old Has Gone, The New Has Come
By Nic Wheeler, TSC Ames Student Leader

Vinny was born on the Rosebud Indian Reservation in south-central South Dakota into extreme poverty and vulnerability, a place where the Gospel has not yet reached in a significant way. Throughout the first 23 years of his life, he struggled with substance abuse, promiscuity, and repeated arrests and run-ins with the law. A year and a half ago, he moved to Huxley, Iowa to participate in the Rosebud Exchange Program, a part of Cornerstone Church’s ministry to Native Americans in South Dakota. Though the first year and a half in Iowa saw worldly success – he was able to keep a good, steady job for the first time in his life and was also able to support himself and pay child-support for his young daughter – he was resistant to the Gospel and believed, as he now calls it, “false doctrine.”

That all changed when Vinny started getting involved in The Salt Company and making relationships with God-fearing men who were his age. Although Vinny was not a college student, he found a home and acceptance among the students of Iowa State. His life made a complete turn when he finally accepted Jesus at The Salt Company’s fall retreat in October. Sitting amidst a group of guys who cared about him, Vinny confessed that he was “probably the worst sinner in the room,” but followed that up by opening up to 1 Timothy saying, “If God can save Paul, then He can save me.”
In the days following Vinny’s conversion he has already read the entire Gospel of John and is now well on his way into Matthew. Everyone who meets with him comments on his hunger to learn and eagerness to grow and turn from his life of sin. Vinny says God has completely taken away his desire for alcohol, which is very clearly a miracle. The coming weeks and months will be difficult for Vinny as he seeks to continually flee from his past temptations and stay on the narrow path, but with men who care about him and the sure and faithful grace of God, Vinny can trust that, “He who started a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”