By Stan Hayek, Lead Pastor

Greetings from Missouri,

It was great to see many familiar faces at the BCI annual meeting we attended in Ames recently. I’m reminded of all the amazing people to whom we said goodbye when we left Iowa just over a year ago to plant Anthem Church in Columbia, MO. I’d like to take the time to update you on some of the work that is taking place here.

In our first fourteen months, we’ve seen twenty people get baptized! Fifteen professions of faith came from our college ministry in its first year. We’ve sent twenty-five people overseas on short-term trips. Lord willing, by this time next year we will send our first couple from Anthem overseas to do long-term missions work. This past week was our largest attendance to date in a Sunday service! Thank you for your prayers and support as we seek to advance the gospel here.

One neat story, the Cates family has been coming to Anthem church for about four months. They would say that church was something they did together on Sunday’s but had little impact on the rest of their lives. Since getting involved in Anthem, both parents and the two boys have made clear professions of faith and have been baptized! The joy they’ve found in Jesus is evident to all and they are eagerly serving in the church.

Again, thank you for your support and continued prayers. We are thankful for you and count ourselves blessed to have such great support backing us. May God continue to make his name great in Missouri, the Midwest, and around the world.