The BCI Missions Committee has approved the allocation of more than $60,000 to support international missions through five projects over the next year. BCI leaders have been making intentional efforts to utilize cash reserves to invest in ministry projects that will yield maximum impact in multiplying disciples, churches, & mission.

The BCI Missions Committee has approved the allocation of more than $60,000 to support international missions through five specific projects over the next year. The funds are part of a $1 million ministry expansion plan approved by the BCI Executive Board on July 8, 2021. BCI leaders have been making intentional efforts to utilize excess cash reserves to invest in ministry projects that will yield the maximum impact in multiplying disciples, churches, and mission.
Investment in Missions Education and Involvement
As part of the 2021-2024 Expanded Vision Plan, the BCI Executive Board approved a grant from reserves of more than $400k to be used to multiply international missions over the next three years. The Executive Board has provided broad direction for using the funds, but established a new Missions Committee to provide additional input and clarity. This Missions Committee consists of seven members from BCI churches who will evaluate requests for grants and make funding decisions. In addition to directly funding missions organizations, an emphasis will be placed on participation and learning opportunities for BCI church leaders.
Missions Meetings at Annual Meeting
At this year’s Annual Meeting, Missions Committee members were able to hear presentations from representatives of several of these ministry partners who serve in international missions. Jacob, Jason, and Caryn from the International Mission Board shared about strategic IMB opportunities in Europe. Eugene is a new potential partner representing a sending agency in Moldova. Samuel and Nate shared about success in planting house churches in the Middle East through their organization, Church Planting Development East.
BCI Executive Director Tim Lubinus said, “Thank you to those who were able to participate in the BCI missions information meetings at the Annual Meeting. We had a great time with our guests from some of our international ministry partner organizations.”
Approved Projects for 2022
Five specific project proposals were approved for funding for the 2021-2022 year. Each of these projects will be re-evaluated each year to verify the project is making progress in providing gospel impact overseas.
- IMB Globalization – $20,000 – BCI will contribute $20k this year to this relatively new initiative and propose to send $25k each year in 2022 and 2023.
- CPDE Ministries: $25,000 – CPDE is a relatively new ministry partner which has planted more than 60,000 house churches in the Middle East and North Africa in recent decades.
- Moldova Partner Trips: $5,000 – We intend to invest in vision trips to send personnel from Moldova, Albania, and Ukraine to Central Asia and the Middle East in 2022. Funds will go to sending organizations and on-the-ground field costs.
- The Daniel Project: $10,000 – The Daniel Project originated with BCI churches and staff and currently supports two families and two singles from “near cultures” who are serving on the field in Istanbul, Turkey. These funds will strengthen the existing partnership as much of the Daniel Project financial support is from BCI churches. Funds will expand opportunities to support additional personnel on the field and support one-time special projects.
- Vision Trips for BCI Pastors: Funding TBD – BCI will provide scholarships for BCI pastors and church leaders who want to be equipped in missions history and practice through short-term vision trips. BCI will be coordinating overseas vision trips for BCI pastors starting again in 2022. More information will be available early next year.
Investing in the Great Commission Together
Together, these five projects represent a ministry investment of more than $60,000 in international missions. Together, let’s celebrate the generosity of churches like yours who gave generously to advance the Great Commission.
Email us if you have additional information, comments, or suggestions.