The 11:30 service on December 8th was much busier than expected, but something for which we should have prepared! You see, multiple families that had participated in the Christmas Fair the previous two days – purchasing affordable gifts for their children, receiving beautiful family portraits, and enjoying fun family activities – had made their way back to Cottage Grove Church to participate in Sunday worship services. The added bonus of seeing volunteers and families recognize each other was a cherry on top of the day!

The Cottage Grove Christmas Fair, a two-day event featuring a shopping center for gifts, free gift wrap, free professional photos, a children’s activity center, and food, was a humbling success in so many ways. One beautiful family of five was able to place their children in our activity center while they shopped. While kids made ornaments and gifts for their friends and family, their parents were able to not only purchase books and toys for their three children but also outfits for them to wear for their portraits. Dressed in a beautiful black and red dress, their little girl twirled and danced in her dress before taking their photo, during, and after. What a beautiful reminder of the joy to be had in this season!

With over 200 volunteers, 900 gifts purchased, and over 100 portraits taken, our goal of affirming the worth of our community members and displaying the love of Christ was graciously confirmed.