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Partner together with Baptist Convention of Iowa churches across our state by collecting a special offering this September.
The emphasis dates for the offering this year are Sunday, September 15th and Sunday, September 22nd, but your church may feature the offering anytime. Contributions may be designated to this offering at any time throughout the year although September is a month of particular emphasis. The Iowa Missions Offering is specifically designated for ministry in our state.
Together we are supporting Iowa’s church leaders & gospel-centered serving ministries in our state. How will your church partner with churches across Iowa to support the Iowa Missions Offering this year?
This year, the proceeds of the Iowa Missions Offering will be used to support the Iowa Ministry Fund (IMF) and to advance several new initiatives in Iowa, such as hosting church leader equipping events, expanding BCI pastoral support, and new leadership development initiatives. The Iowa Ministry Fund accelerates the investment of BCI churches in gospel-centered serving ministries in ten ministry categories that offer God’s mercy, love, and truth to those who are hurting across our state.
The Iowa Ministry Fund seeks to multiply the support of BCI churches to organizations that help groups in Iowa that require more attention and skill than individual churches can normally provide. The goal is to allocate matching grants to the gospel-centered ministries across ten categories.
BCI has produced materials you can use to promote the Iowa Missions Offering to your church family and seek their prayers and financial support. Use these to promote the IMO in Sunday worship services, small groups, prayer meetings, or Sunday School class.
Partner with us to invest in the amazing ministry happening across our state and bring the hope of Jesus Christ to those in need and to raise up the next generation of church leaders.
Plan now to participate the Iowa Missions Offering this September. Participating churches can send their IMO donation along with their monthly Cooperative Program giving with a note that says “Iowa Missions Offering.” Or use the button below to make a donation online.