My Uber driver was polite and noticed my hurried, breathless state. I settled in for the ride to the airport, continuing to engage in polite “taxi conversation.”
“What are you visiting Springfield for?” he asked.
I was with a group of Southern Baptist church leaders for a two day conference I answered.
“Where is home for you?” I asked.
“I’m from the Holy Land, Jerusalem,” he said.
“I am Muslim,” he added.
We talked on about Jerusalem, how I’d love to visit one day, how I’d lived in Turkey and fell in love with the people and culture of a Muslim world. Then my driver said . . .
“May I ask you a question? I don’t want to offend, but . . . can you explain to me the part of your faith regarding God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost? Are there three Gods?”
Deep breath. Silent prayer “God give me words.” And so began a 15 minute conversation (even as we were already at the airport in the taxi drop off line!) with more questions (“Why do I need to go through Jesus to get to God?”), more prayers for clarity and for this sweet man to keep asking questions! God reminded me that day to never be too busy to speak of Him and to always be ready with an answer for the Hope that I have because of Jesus.