by Diana Davis
As your church honors your pastor during Pastor Appreciation Month, why not add an extra touch? Demonstrate your love for the pastor’s wife. Yes, many ministry wives may prefer not to be called onstage and pinned with a corsage, so I’ve gathered a few simple, low-key ways that your church, class, or even an individual, can show love. Try one!
Love Notes Flash Mob
Distribute a card to all women of the church with a challenge to overwhelm your church’s “first lady” with notes of appreciation, prayers and compliments. Provide contact info so they can send a note by mail, email, text, Facebook or personal delivery.
Here’s Proof!
Make a sign with big letters: “We love our pastor’s wife!” Take lots of photos of people holding the sign — individuals, couples, groups, kids, teens, peripheral members, leaders, guests. Encourage smiles and fun poses, and carefully list names to label the photos. Create an impressive photo display.
Unforgettable Bouquet
Each woman is asked to bring a single flower from her garden or florist. Bring extras for those who forget. The deacon chairman’s wife presents the minister’s wife with a lovely vase, then one by one, all morning on Sunday, every lady adds her flower to create a lovely, personalized bouquet.
Autographed Gift
Purchase a very nice study Bible, and ask all the women in your class or church to sign the front with a five-word note. Wrap it beautifully.
Sticky Heart
A foyer sign reads, “Faith Baptist appreciates our pastor’s wife!” A gigantic heart outline covers the wall. Purchase 3×3-inch sticky note pads, and enlist a group, such as the choir, to write love notes ahead of time to get the wall started. Give a sticky note and marker to each person as they arrive at church, inviting them to add notes of love and appreciation to the wall.
Get Personal
What does your pastor’s wife love? Whatever it is, give it gushingly! For example, if she’s an avid golfer, everyone brings a golf ball, signed in permanent marker with a love note, and adds it to a big basket. Does she love tea, purple things, chocolate? If her favorite ministry is to preschoolers, consider bringing quality toys for that classroom in her honor.
Her church involvement may be upfront or behind the scenes, but you can be sure that your pastor’s ministry is impacted daily by his wife’s partnership. As you demonstrate love to your pastor’s wife — and other ministry wives on your church staff — you’ll honor God and thrill your pastor. Be a blessing to her today.