need help with repairs or renovations for your church facility?
Iowa Campers on Mission would love to serve BCI churches by providing free labor to do repairs or renovations on your church facility.
Iowa Campers on Mission travel around the state of Iowa in their campers to serve churches in a variety of ministry and mission projects to help reach the local communities with the gospel of Christ. One service that COM provides to churches in Iowa is providing labor for repairs or remodeling in their church facilities.
Campers on Mission (COM) is a national fellowship of evangelical Christian campers who look for opportunities to share their faith and love of Jesus Christ through their participation in mission activities while camping.

Iowa Campers On Mission serves in Waterloo & Des Moines
“Iowa Campers on Mission finally ventured out into the world after missing an event which had been scheduled for the first week of May due to COVID. We were able to take on two projects at churches in Iowa.
“From June 15-19 we were able to work on a project for Shiloh Baptist Church in Waterloo. We had a full parking lot of camping units as well as church members who helped do several updates to the church. These updates included new floors, lighting, and painting in three bathrooms; siding and soffit lights in the large storage shed; new lights in the basement ceiling; mowing the lawn; installing a sidewalk bench; transferring items to the shed; and adding a cabinet in the church office.
“We also recently completed another project in Des Moines where COM members spent a day at True Bible Baptist Church to help with some remodeling of their facility.
“Iowa Campers on Mission is here to serve churches in Iowa. The fellowship is great and, as the COVID situation improves, we hope to minister to other churches in Iowa. If you would like more information about whether Iowa Campers on Mission can help your church, visit our FAQ webpage or call Denny Davis at 515-729-9983.”
Have a BCI church story to share?
We love to share stories of BCI churches and draw attention to the work God is doing in our convention. Submit your story using the online form.