by Pastor Noah Braymen

Noah Braymen
As Redeemer Baptist Church looks to the fall we are humbled and encouraged by God’s mercy to us in Christ. Our aim is to persevere in the ordinary means of grace. By God’s grace we have seen fruit from God’s Word as brothers and sisters grow in their love for Christ and His bride. Noah is currently preaching through 1 Timothy on the Lord’s Day, and teaching through 1 Corinthians for our corporate Bible study, and Galatians in our men’s Bible study. The women are currently studying Ephesians.
We’re planning to have a Christianity Explored class this fall/winter for our unbelieving friends to help them learn more about Christ and consider His claim upon their lives in 6 sessions through the Gospel According to Mark. Pray with us that God would save our family, friends, co-workers, and neighbors. We are praying that if it’s the Lord’s will, that He might give us more elders, deacons, and that He would cultivate a culture of intentional discipling and evangelism in our church. We remember many of your churches in our prayers as we gather each week. We are thankful for your partnership in the gospel.
For more information about Redeemer Baptist Church go to their web page at