The BCI Cultivation Co-Op

Tools & Resources to Make Disciples & Develop Leadership

Join the Cultivation Co-Op for tools & resources
to make disciples & develop leadership

The Cultivation Co-Op is for any BCI pastor or church leader that desires to grow in their ability to make disciples or develop leadership. This might include pastors, associate pastors, youth leaders, children’s leaders, worship leaders, men’s ministry leaders, women’s ministry leaders, elders, or other lay leaders who are the primary leader for a discipleship-focused ministry in any BCI church. Does that describe you?

What is the Cultivation Co-Op?

The Cultivation Co-Op is a BCI membership program that provides tools & resources with one goal in mind: to help BCI pastors & ministry leaders make disciples and develop leadership in our churches. In the BCI Cultivation Co-Op, we’ll explore the mind-sets, heart-sets, and skill-sets necessary to accomplish both as we work in His Kingdom.

1. Cultivate Kit

A few times per year, we will deliver a book or package onto your doorstep with discipleship and leadership themed books, ministry tools, and other items to help you put into practice what you’re learning.

  • Themed Contents & Materials
  • Book Study Questions
  • Relevant Tools & Resources

2. Online Toolbox

Cultivation Co-Op members will have access to curated content on making disciples and developing leadership not available to through public channels. We’ll dive deep into each topic with audio and video interviews to supplement Co-Op events and materials.

  • Exclusive articles, videos, and audio interviews. 
  • Digital Tools for Ministry

3. Special Events

Lunch & Learn events are the first stop in the Co-Op and are held several times each year in various regions around the state. We will also have a Cultivation Co-Op Annual Gathering in November before the BCI Annual Meeting.

  • Lunch & Learn Regional Events
  • Invite-Only Cohorts
  • Special Annual Gathering

VIDEO: “Why should you join the Cultivation Co-Op?”

How do I sign up?

There are just 2 simple steps to start your BCI Cultivation Co-Op Membership.

Step 1: New Account Activation

Use the form below to activate a new Member Account.


Step 2: Complete Your Member Profile

After registering, complete your Member Profile on the next page to provide all the details we need to deliver tools & resources to you.

If you have any questions about subscribing, please contact Ben Bradley at