By Rachel Havlak, Salt Company Resident, Keystone Church
One day the people in our church were doing normal ministry, and the next day everything changed as CoronaVirus hit the world. Panic, confusion, and anxiety could have been the response of the Keystone staff team, but over the last two weeks, I have watched in amazement and confidence as our staff and ministries have worked together to make the best of difficult circumstances. It feels like during this time, everyone is helping each other. While there is still ownership over each ministry, it feels as though we all now have a unique responsibility and commitment to all of the other ministries. Each ministry is also having to come up with new and unique ways to reach and shepherd the people of Keystone.
We decided to use different sets on stage to record and livestream the Salt Service. We have had to come up with unique ways to engage our normal audience and keep them focused while they watch the service at home. Our desire is not to ignore the pandemic that is happening around the world and act like we can carry on with a normal service. We have chosen to embrace “the new normal” and shepherd our people through a different service style. We are confident in the Lord and His power to penetrate hearts during this season of uncertainty and trust that He will continue to convict hearts and change lives.