As we look back at Ignite 2013, our hearts are full of the presence of God and His incredible power. As Zane Black (Dare2Share Evangelist) shared on Friday night, God moved in the hearts of students. Ten young people accepted Christ and the rest of those in attendance were challenged to share their faith with someone over the next 48hrs.
Over the course of the weekend, students experienced incredible worship, over 40 workshops and some amazing fellowship! Our vendors as well as our volunteers were encouraged by the number of students who wrote names on our prayer wall, praying for their friends to receive Christ.
In all, God brought roughly 1,500 people to one place to work on proclaiming the gospel – locally. Undoubtedly, as we look forward and as we ponder what God did at the conference, we are certain that the Kingdom of God will grow and that youth ministries all across the Midwest were given more tools to do better ministry.
We encourage you to consider coming in 2014 (March 14 & 15) as we celebrate our 10 year anniversary! We offer a special thanks for all the support the Baptist Convention has given over all these years. What a great team! We are honored to serve Iowa with you!
Pastor Jonathan
Founder, Ignite