Dear parents, big brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles,
Africa Stories has joined together with Kids on Mission to share these missions experiences for children. Consider sharing these lessons with the kids in your life. Travel with them on a road trip through West Africa. Along the way, you’ll stop in countries like Burkina Faso. There you’ll meet a woman who will teach you a Bible story. You’ll listen carefully and soon be able to tell someone else along your route the truths found in Scripture.
Bible storying is a ministry tool used to tell Bible stories from Scripture that point to Christ and lead people to want to know more about the Word of God. This form of witnessing is especially useful with people groups who do not read, do not have access to Bibles or to whom stories are culturally relevant.
Each of these missions experiences is designed to last 10 to 15 minutes. Enjoy sharing these with the children in your life and helpng them become “Kids on Mission!”
You can also find similar missions experiences from around the world on the Kids on Mission website.
Welcome to a time of learning about West Africa and a way of witnessing called Bible storying. Christian workers tell stories from the Bible in a way that points to Jesus and leads people to ask questions about faith and the truth of Scripture. Storying is a great way to share the Gospel in places where many people don’t read and where stories are an important part of the people’s culture.
Christians in West Africa teach these stories and train others to tell them. It’s a great way to spread the Gospel. Learn a story, and then teach it to someone else! As they tell a story to a trucker, they also teach him to tell that story to someone else at a truck stop. As the trucker travels, he may meet other Christians who teach him another Bible story.
Are you ready to find out more? Get together with the kids in your life, and let’s get started! Follow through these lessons and become Kids on Mission!
First, where is West Africa? Where are the truckers?
- Take a look at the map (click on the map for a larger view).
- Can you see the number of countries on the truck routes?
- Can you find the country of Burkina Faso on the map?
- This is one country where missionaries are teaching the stories about Jesus.
Listen closely to this story from Luke 5 in the Bible. Be ready to retell it!
Keep on truckin’!
- Watch the Keep on truckin video (see above).
- Now, listen to a Bible story, just like the truckers do.
- Play the Paralyzed man audio story (see right). Listen closely to the way the story is told. It comes from Luke 5 in the Bible. Download a printable copy of the story to read along.
- What can you remember from the story? Can you retell it? Keep trying. You can use the printed copy to help keep the story straight until you can retell the whole story.
- Pretend you are going from truck stop to truck stop, as you retell the story to each other.
- Commit to practice this story throughout the week with each other and with your family, friends and neighbors.
Read the Trucking the Gospel focus verse as you close (Mark 16:20, see right). Follow the example of Jesus’ disciples. They were faithful to tell others the story about Jesus.
Thank God for Christians in Burkina Faso and other places in West Africa who are sharing the Gospel through stories.
Originally posted at