Executive Executive Director/Treasurer Dr Tim Lubinus delivering his address at the 2014 BCI Annual Meeting.
By Tim Lubinus, BCI Executive Director/Treasurer
Whenever you have two votes on the same two candidates for the same office at the same meeting and come up with two different results, you know something went terribly wrong. We botched our voting process at our last annual meeting.
I’m writing to apologize to the convention for not having clear enough instructions on who could vote, the process, and how to introduce the candidates. The office staff and administrative team are taking this very seriously and are planning on tightening these procedures for our election of officers this fall. With clearer instructions and guidelines, I hope we can avoid the problems that we had at the last meeting. The good news is that we were choosing between two able candidates and, in a real sense, our convention was going to “win” regardless of which candidate got the most votes. Thank-you for understanding. We’ll try to do better next time.
Question? Comments? Email me directly at TLubinus@BCIowa.org.