Pray for Community Baptist Church

CITY: Marion, Iowa

PASTOR: Darin Ulmer

WORSHIP: Sundays at 10:30am


This is our 11th year as a church which was planted in August 2009. Darin Ulmer was called to be the first pastor shortly after the church was planted. There had been a plan in the works for a new church plant in Marion for a long time and Darin was in mind as a candidate throughout the process. One distinguishing aspect of our church is that it very much feels and functions as a “spiritual family.” We enjoy very close fellowship and a strong community. Another encouraging thing about our church is that the members are exceptionally generous to local needs as well as having a strong passion for overseas missions support. The church members are very quick to respond to needs.


With the pandemic restrictions most of our typical activities are currently shut down or at least very limited. This is a disappointment in that we haven’t been able to open some of our best outreach ministries. We usually have a strong outreach to students because the high school is right across the street from our building. We have also been unable to continue our visits to retirement homes. We have been able to meet in neighborhoods for barbecues although our groups and activities are still very limited.


Please pray for church as there is always a lot to do and a lot of uncertainty about how to do it. We want to have wisdom to know how to effectively minister to those who are brought across our path and for the decisions we will be making.

How can we pray for your church?

We would love to partner with your BCI church in prayer. Submit your prayer requests using the online form.