Pray for Grand Avenue Baptist Church
CITY: Ames
PASTOR: Michael Felkins
WORSHIP: Sundays at 10:30am
Grand Avenue was constituted as a church in February 1964 by the Missouri Baptist Convention. Grand has had 50 plus years of faithful gospel ministry in Iowa. Like most churches, Grand has had its share of ups and downs but God has been faithful and He continues to make His face shine on it. Grand’s vision is to be a gospel-centered church in Ames. Over the past few years, by the Lord’s mercy, we have been able to slowly press all of our ministries through the sieve of the gospel. It is our aim to be gospel-centered in every ministry and that includes our worship services. It has been a slow process and we are thankful for small steps in the right direction.
Pray that every Sunday we would faithfully sing, read, pray, and preach God’s word so that His people are built up and the lost are converted. Pray that our small groups would be havens of gospel hospitality so that God’s people are in sweet fellowship with one another and also that the lost will taste and see that the Lord is in the midst of these people so they will be drawn to Christ.
This coming summer we hope to install new elders and deacons. This is always an important time for our church body to grow as leaders are raised up and commissioned to serve. Also, for the summer months, we will be re-emphasizing the vision, mission, and the core values of Grand. Pray that our church’s love for evangelism and discipleship is rekindled. It is our aim as a church that gospel-centered doctrine leads to gospel culture. Gospel culture should result in a culture of discipleship among the members and a culture of evangelism with our community.
How can we pray for your church?
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