Pray for Rock Island Bible Church
CITY: Rock Island, Illinois
PASTOR: Doug Rowland
WORSHIP: Sunday morning at 10:00am

For over five years, my family and I served in our neighborhood doing outreach events. Then we came to this realization: events don’t disciple people, people disciple people. So we moved across town, to “the other side of the tracks” four years ago. We live in a highly dense, highly diverse, low income community. And with that come many of the stereotypical “inner city” problems. Though we look ethnically differently from the people that surround us, God has shown us favor and we have been received by our neighbors. We launched the church in June 2018 and now a handful of our neighbors now worship with us on the weekends. We gather in a local community center and have built great relationships in the city that allow us access to serve some of the most vulnerable populations in our city. There are over 10 languages spoken in the local elementary school across the street. Our heart is to see the nations gather under the roof of our church. We are passionate to see every tribe, tongue, and nation gather even now in preparation for what is to come!
Last summer we began a large (100′ x 100′) community garden to serve nearly 30 families in our neighborhood. We are trying to figure out how best to utilize that platform this summer for some intentional discipleship efforts with kid and families this year. We have sent more than 40 kids to Wildwood Hills Ranch each summer for the past several years. With all the craziness of COVID-19, we are praying we can get creative to create a memorable experience for these kids. We may have the opportunity to run a camp-like VBS in our own city or figure out creative solutions with smaller gatherings of people.
For the foreseeable future, our community center is shut down for public gatherings. This has given us the opportunity to build relationships with other churches and innovate about our weekend gatherings. Please pray for wisdom on how best to do this. Our worship leader and other leaders have been exposed to the virus within their workplaces. Please pray for their health and continuing safety. Pray for wisdom on how best to do ministry in our context in this new digital world in which we live. We have virtual prayer gatherings and Bible Studies but we are also figuring out the personal touch of pastoring in these uncertain times.
How can we pray for your church?
We would love to partner with your church in prayer. Submit your prayer requests using the online form.