Members of Crest Baptist Church in Creston and Geoff Safford from New Heights, Indianola, conducted a prayer walk on the campus of Southwestern Community College on August 20 in anticipation of beginning a new Salt Company collegiate ministry at SWCC this fall.
In June, Safford, Lead Teacher for The Salt Company in Indianola, met with Joe and Gay Lynn Owens and the young adult Sunday School members to give guidance for starting a collegiate ministry. David Livingston of Sheffield, a 2013 graduate of SWCC, has come back to work as a collegiate intern at Crest, a position jointly funded by Crest and the BCI. David is an alumni of Indianola Salt Company. He attended and participated in Salt as a student at Simpson in 2014.
Geoff Safford enthusiastically stated, “It was a great event, and we pray that it is only the beginning of a life transforming ministry on the SWCC campus!”

(l-r)Drew Dobbs, Josh Cobb, Hannah Johnston, David Livingston, Tyanna Jackson, Geoff Safford, Gay Lynn Owens