By Olivia Ginther, The Salt Company Coordinator

During the month of October, the Salt Company Iowa City hosted its annual Fall Retreat. This year, the retreat took place at Honey Creek Resort with 320 Salt Company students in attendance. The weekend consisted of four sessions taught by pastor Luke Peterson, regarding the topical theme of “Following Jesus.” In between these sessions, connection groups met to process through the teachings together and to intentionally apply it to their lives.

The first session was on Friday night, involving the big idea of “Following Joyfully.” Luke Peterson taught through the Beatitudes of Matthew 5 and provided an image of how to develop the right posture before the Lord. Small group conversations after this message were driven by the idea that Jesus is not just the best decision for our future, but He is also the best decision for our present. Friday night activities at Honey Creek involved a bonfire and late-night game of capture the flag.

Session two began on Saturday morning, and it was driven by the idea of “Following Through.” Luke taught on 2 Corinthians 11, inviting the students to process through the idea that amidst pain and suffering, Jesus is enough. With small groups and the Class War taking up the majority of the afternoon, session three took place in the evening involving the idea of “Following Together.” Luke used Psalm 139 to show the students the importance of living in community, teaching that in our moments of strength, we are to prepare alongside the body for our moments of weakness. Saturday night was capped off with a Halloween costume and dance party, and conversations regarding the fruit of the weekend lasted deep into the night.

Sunday morning, the weekend was wrapped up with the fourth and final session, titled “Following Forward.” Teaching from Luke 19, Luke Peterson encouraged the students in a lifestyle of evangelism, ending the weekend with the invitation to live our lives in line with the Spirit, becoming powerful messengers for the Kingdom of God.

This weekend spent at Honey Creek Resort was fruitful for the students of the Salt Company. Not only did their relationships with one another grow deeper throughout the extended time together, but intentional conversations were had regarding the goodness and the faithfulness of God. Over three hundred students heard the Gospel in a multitude of different ways this weekend, and God-willing, it opened their hearts to be more receptive to the Spirit and more eager to step into community. What a gift that is–all glory be to Christ!