I have such vivid memories of those weeks, especially at my home church:
- recreation in the courtyard
- butter cookies (you know the ones, shaped like a flower with the hole in the middle!) and kool aid for snacks
- hearing the “stand up” and “sit down” piano chords in the worship gathering
- saying the pledge of allegiance, the pledge to the Christian flag, and the pledge to the Bible (which I can still say word for word!)
More than all of that, I know that VBS was a place where the foundations of my faith were laid as Bible story after Bible story became real to me. And I fell in love with Jesus more and more.
I hope your church is planning to host a VBS. And if you don’t already have something planned, know that it isn’t too late!
Lifeway has a great checklist for churches planning to reach out to kiddos in your community. Check it out: Lifeway Kids VBS Article.