The Salt Company Logo AmesBy Nathan Kaloupek, Ministry Leader

This summer Salt Company went through the book of Acts, helping students see God’s sovereign hand over the start of the church and helping them see Him continue to expand the church today. Students met together in Connection Groups, learning to understand and apply lessons of God’s grace and sovereignty to their lives today. It was challenging to fit all 28 chapters into nine weeks of Salt, but the process helped highlight the amazing thread of the Kingdom through the entire book of Acts, and helping students more realize this story is our story too.


In addition to teaching the Bible, one of our other favorite aspects of Summer Salt is the fact that students from various other colleges are home for the summer. Essentially, that means they have the opportunity to see what our ministry is all about. Throughout the nine weeks of Salt, we continually heard from students who attend colleges in other parts of the state that they were extremely encouraged by what is going on here at Iowa State. Therefore, the theme of Acts was highly appropriate – the Kingdom of God is doing great things throughout all of Iowa!