The Iowa Men’s Conference is an annual gathering in multiple locations across the state to help men “Go the distance in the ring of life.” This year’s event, called “12 Rounds,” was held in three locations: Ankeny, Cedar Rapids, and Chariton.

Ankeny Men’s Conference
Travis Walker, Discipleship Pastor at First Family Church, Ankeny
“The Iowa Men’s Conference in Ankeny continues to be a spark that lights a fire for men’s discipleship in Ankeny. Over 100 men gathered at First Family Church to be reminded from God’s Word how to stay in the good fight of the faith. Pastor Johnny Hunt encouraged our men to hate their sin and love righteousness. We also had incredibly practical workshops on topics geared to help men fight the greatest pressures we face as men. This conference continues to challenge men in a way that results in long term change for the rest of their lives.”

Cedar Rapids Men’s Conference
Darin Ulmer, Pastor at Community Baptist Church, Marion
“This year, Community Baptist Church of Marion and Immanuel Baptist Church partnered to bring the Iowa Men’s Conference to Cedar Rapids. We had an excellent first year, with Paul Miller of Chariton as our guest speaker. The men who attended were led to worship the Lord, challenged to engage in the spiritual battle that rages around us, and enjoyed excellent food! We are excited to see this conference in eastern Iowa and look forward to joining together again next year.”

Chariton Men’s Conference
Paul Miller, Pastor at Cornerstone Community Church, Chariton
“We had an amazing event in Chariton with around 175 in attendance, including many who are unchurched. Due to weather, we had to cancel our first event date and reschedule. We worried it would kill our momentum for the event, but God totally came through and we had about 20 men come who would not have been able to make it on the original date. We had excellent worship led by Jason Friesen, pastor of Crossroads Community Church in Grimes. The preaching by Greg Gilbaugh and Casey Bradford was just amazing. By the end of the event, we had many opportunities to follow up with men who made a significant decision, including several men who trusted in Christ for the first time!”