The Family LeaderThe mission of The Family Leader Foundation is to strengthen families by inspiring Christ-like leadership in the home, the church, and the government. The Family Leader Foundation works toward cultural transformation through four statewide objectives: Engaging and activating the church, Impacting Elections, Influencing Policy, Being a model for others to follow. By activating the church statewide and equipping its leaders to boldly proclaim God’s design for life, marriage, and family, and encouraging the embrace of pro-family principles, The Family Leader Foundation seeks to inspire Christians to vote for pro-family candidates, become pro-family activists, run for public office, and hold legislators accountable.

In addition to their work in the local church, Identify, The Family Leader Foundation aspires to identify, encourage, and equip Christian statesmen, both new candidates and existing office holders, who embody pro-family values. Educate Christian voters on the pro-family values and records of those running for office, and equip voters to make a difference on Election Day. In the realm of public policy, The Family Leader Foundation pursues aggressive pro-family policy that honors and assists with the biblical foundation of strong families. With over 1,850 church partnerships across the state of Iowa, The Family Leader Foundation has helped distribute Bibles to legislators, brought over 300 pastors to legislative sessions, and helped reach 130,000 church attendees who were encouraged to “elect a godly king” via the Iowa Caucuses. The Family Leader Foundation works relentlessly to preserve, protect, and save the institution of the family as God designed it. Their comprehensive and God-honoring, Gospel-centered, pro-family strategy is helping to move our culture back to a biblical foundation.

To learn more about The Family Leader Foundation you can visit their website at:

Their address is: P.O. Box 42245, Urbandale, IA 50323