by Shannon Ness

Salt Company Senior Girls
After 5 short years, the Salt Company Iowa City has its first full class of graduating seniors. Nearly ⅓ of leadership is graduating. To celebrate Salt Company seniors joined together at the Veritas Warehouse to encourage each other and learn about what it looks like to follow Christ after college. Tables were decorated with flags that cheerfully shouted “TSC” and plates were full of a variety of meats, cheeses, and other delightful snacks. Most importantly smiles spread across faces and hearts were full as we looked back at the four years that we spent with each other.
The night began with an opportunity for students to give a “shout out.” Students stood up and complimented each other and reminded each other of how Christ used each one of them to encourage one another and keep them strong in their faith. As someone who was originally invited to Salt company by some of the other seniors in the room, Shannon stood up and said, “SHOUT OUT! to the people who were praying for me when I was choosing to live a life wrapped around the party culture of Iowa City and for inviting me into a community that is centered on Christ.” Dalton stood up and said, “SHOUT OUT! To Carrissa Duehr for always being cheerful and greeting people with hugs to make them feel loved, encouraged, and welcomed.” The chatter circled around, as everyone encouraged each other for their faithfulness to the community of The Salt Company and The University of Iowa.
The night transitioned into a time for the directors of Salt Company to explain the importance of finding a good church community and managing their finances with the kingdom in mind. Students were reminded that Salt Company was not created to be a four year program during college, and then we never talk to them again, but instead that Salt Company is a lifelong community. Students were reminded to stay in touch with the network and that we will be calling them to see how God is working in their lives as they transition into a new season of life.