Thomas L. Law, III
Interim Executive Director-Treasurer

When I came to Iowa I was asked to do one thing: to bring change to the Convention. As one pastor stated it, “Tom, we have done you a disservice because we are expecting you to change things in twenty months that we have not been willing to change in twenty years”. Fortunately, I had a good foundation.

Thomas L. Law, III Interim Executive Director-Treasurer

Thomas L. Law, III
Interim Executive Director-Treasurer

The convention I am leaving is not the same convention which I found. Jimmy Barrentine (my predecessor) told me, before he left, that he felt that he had prepared the ground for a new strategy. The fact that we were able to implement a new strategy is ample proof that he was right. There is excitement about what God is doing in Iowa. I am grateful to have played a small role in this process.

This would not have been possible without strong leaders on the Administrative Committee. Ted Keys, Dan Wiersema, Jeff Wheeler, Eugene Guthrie, David Barton, Gary Fry, and Jerome Risting brought me to Iowa and stood by me as we moved through these changes. None of this would have happened if it had not been for strong Iowa leadership. I am especially indebted to Dan Wiersema as we worked together through his two years as president.

Jon Olsen, Iowa Baptist editor, asked me what I would like to be remembered for in my work as the Interim Executive Director-Treasurer of the Baptist Convention of Iowa. I have given that question considerable thought. Although we have done a lot in numerous areas like church planting, governing documents (Constitution, Bylaws, and Operations Manual), database, media/digital communications, office structure, VBS, etc. there is one thing that stands out in my mind.

Iowa Baptists have moved from being dependent on outside resources to bring the gospel to Iowa to developing and applying Iowa resources to that task. Iowa Baptists are becoming Iowa strong and taking ownership of their own future.

As part of becoming more independent, the Convention is in the process of rewriting and updating the governing documents. We have developed a working database, instituted online registration for events, become more effective at communications, and have streamlined office structure.

When I came church planting was focused on what the four Directors of Missions could accomplish. Now that task has been taken up by our churches and the associations. We have moved from conversations about five church plants to over 60 and growing; from four people focused on church planting in their specific regions, to a whole convention talking about it; and from recruiting people from other places to come to Iowa to plant a church to motivating Iowa pastors to equip their congregations to disciple their communities, raising up church planters from within Iowa.

The Convention is moving from a budget that is dependent on outside resources to one that is poised to allow Iowa to chart its own course. We have moved from a reserve that barely covered the Board mandates to providing a 10% margin available for expanded ministry. Through charitable gifts the Foundation has almost tripled the money available to distribute as scholarships, loans and grants.

Finally, and as tangible proof that we are stronger, there has been an increase in the number of congregations affiliated with the convention of about 20%.

Although I am pleased with the progress which the Convention has made these past two and a half years there is still a lot to do. We need to continue to expand church planting and discipleship. We need to strengthen our existing churches so that we can reach all of Iowa with the gospel. We need to bring more women, ethnicities, and lay people into the working structure of the Convention.

Pray that the convention leadership, the pastors, and the congregations will continue to be faithful to God’s direction for Iowa. Pray that this state will be reached for the Gospel.

Thank you, Iowa Baptists, for welcoming Linda and me and giving us the opportunity to work with you.