Find Your Purpose: Embracing Your Rural Ministry Calling

In this interview, Andy Addis, pastor at Crosspoint Church in Kansas, discusses how to succeed in rural ministry by staying true to your calling. Pastor Andy shares insights on how to thrive in ministry by reflecting on God’s plan for your life. With his usual humor and encouragement, Pastor Andy is a great resource for pastors seeking to make an impact in rural communities.

What is The Rural Replant Summit?

At the recent Replant Rural Summit in Salina, Kansas, rural pastors from all over the United States had the chance to meet with key leaders in rural ministry, network with peers, and enjoy bluegrass worship by Chosen Road. Among the event’s inspiring sessions were talks by Mark Clifton and Andy Addis, pastor at Crosspoint Church in Kansas and one of the two hosts of the Rural Pastor Podcast. The summit was a great opportunity for rural pastors to build relationships and be encouraged in their ministry.

Interested in Rural Ministry? Contact Chris Mavity

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