by Joni Wilkinson, Iowa WMU Coordinator

The All Nations congregation reflects its name. There are about 80-90 English speaking members and about 90-100 Korean members. They also allow diverse ethnic congregations (Russian, Congolese, and Hispanic) to use their building for worship. The church’s emphasis for 2018 is “Be a Disciple, Make a Disciple” from Matthew 28:18-20.
Any funds raised from the Food Bazaar is used to support missions. All Nations church supports the Southern Baptist mission organizations International Mission Board (IMB), and North American Mission Board (NAMB), as well as Baptist Convention of Iowa (BCI), Compassion International, and some specific missionaries across the world.

In 2017, Pastor Jong Koo Lee retired, and the church called a new pastor in August, Pastor Seung Jin Park. His wife is Ho Sun, and they have two children Esther and David.