By Shannon Ness

The culture of Iowa City is known to be set by the party scene associated with college students. However, each year it seems clear that God is redefining it as a place where college students gather to worship His Son Jesus Christ. Hubbard Park is a central space for students to pass through or hang out at on campus. On August 23, around 900 people met at this place to praise the Savior and to hear from the word of God. As a Salt Company staff we are rejoicing that nearly 200 more students were at the Salt Company kickoff this year than last.

Leading up to the kickoff we also had a freshmen group event for freshmen to learn more about the ministry of Salt Company. The best part of this event was that after talking with countless students, it seemed to be clear that a majority of people there were coming into college with the desire to more know of who God is and to make His name known on this campus. Within the first week of school it seems clear that God is faithful to answer the 10:02 prayer to raise up more laborers in this city. With nearly 350 students at the event including our leaders, we are so excited to see how God will use these students for His glory this year.

Between the two events there were 542 students who got plugged into a connection group! Our leaders are very excited for this school year and have been killing it at reaching out to new students. For the next few weeks, we will be meeting at the Englert Theatre before transitioning to our new building! Please pray that God will continue to bring more students and that we would be a united body of believers.