By Dakota Jackson, Salt Company Director

For the third Salt Company of the year on September 12th we decided to have Salt on Drake’s campus! It had been over two years since Salt DSM was on Drake’s campus on a Thursday night and we were so blessed with the opportunity to pursue this once again. During the week we spent time on campus reaching out to students and letting them know that we were going to be in the basement of the student center, we had some positive feedback but the rainy weather made it difficult to get some real traction or have great conversations. But despite our slightly negative attitudes about how the outreach went, God showed up in a really sweet way once Thursday rolled around.

We had over 80 Drake students attend Salt that night and many of those, 15-20, were first time attendees! It was so cool to see so many new faces in the crowd and we were so blessed by the way that God brought people out and the way that our leadership team responded to pursuing new people. Going forward we cannot wait to see how God will use the new relationships built that night and how we can continue to have a greater presence on that campus when it comes to reaching the next generation with the gospel!