Focus Dates: September 12th & 19th

Two Ways to Give: Mail A Check OR Give Online

The Iowa Missions Offering (IMO) is your chance to partner with BCI churches across the state to support ministries that offer God’s mercy, love, and truth to those who are hurting in our cities. Here are three things you need to know about the 2021 IMO.

1) Churches can collect a special offering OR give as a church. 

We invite churches to collect a special offering during one of the two IMO Emphasis Weekends: Sunday, September 12th or Sunday, September 19th. However, the IMO is open year-round so churches can choose whichever Sunday works for their service schedule. Alternatively, church leaders can give to IMO through their regular budget process. Promotional materials to use at your church can be found on the IMO webpage.

2) The 2021 Iowa Missions Offering will go to the Iowa Ministry Fund.

This year, we will be strengthening the connection between the Iowa Missions Offering (IMO) and the Iowa Ministry Fund (IMF). The Iowa Ministry Fund is the BCI initiative started five years ago that gives to gospel-centered ministries in Iowa in ten different categories of need, such as crisis pregnancy, homelessness, poverty impacted, addiction recovery, and more. This year, 100% of the 2021 IMO will go toward supporting ministries that BCI churches have recommended through the IMF. This will provide many benefits, including increased awareness through highlighting both of these excellent processes multiple times per year, instead of just once each.

3) The Iowa Ministry Fund has been extended through September.

Although the primary application period ended on July 31st, we want to increase participation in this newly redesigned process. To highlight the increased connection between IMO and IMF, we have reopened the application for the IMF until September 30th. The IMF application will continue to remain open year-round, although matching grants will be awarded only as funds are available.


There are two ways to give toward IMO:

  • Mail a check to Baptist Convention of Iowa at PO Box 619, Ankeny, IA 50021. To designate a check, simply put “IMO” in the memo.
  • Give online at: Follow the instructions to utilize the online giving system and choose “Iowa Missions Offering” to designate.

Have a BCI church story to share?

We love to share stories of BCI churches and draw attention to the work God is doing in our convention. Submit your story using the online form.