The Good Life College Ministry is a part of Redeemer Church in Cedar Falls. We start off the school year by hosting several events to meet and connect with new and returning students at UNI. One of our bigger events is a Root Beer Float Party that we host in the middle of campus before classes begin. This is a less intimidating event than our kickoff night so students who don’t really care about the gospel feel more inclined to check it out and talk with us. Because of the people we want to reach we set up on a major sidewalk path that many students use to get to a large event at UNI. We made sure that our event went later so that we would be able to interact with these students.

The goal of the event was to meet as many people as possible, have conversations, and get their contact info for later follow ups and getting plugged in. This was our third year of doing this event and it did not disappoint! The weather was beautiful and the students were out! Throughout the event we saw over 200 students come through our table to get a free float and find out more about the ministry. We had more sign ups than any previous year and we got to see new faces at our Fall Kickoff and at Redeemer Church on Sundays. We find it amazing how God can bring people to Himself and into a church by using means like root beer floats. We are very excited for what God will do this school year and we are ready to continue to be a part of God’s mission as we strive to reach the dechurched and unchurched at UNI and Hawkeye. We are so grateful for BCI and their generosity toward collegiate ministries in Iowa! You are helping many ministries reach the next generation and we are seeing the fruit of it now!