The BCI Executive Board wants YOUR feedback on some critical recommendations they will be voting on during the BCI 2020 Virtual Annual Meeting.

BCI Pastors and Leaders,

The BCI Executive Board wants YOUR feedback on some critical recommendations they will be voting on during the BCI 2020 Virtual Annual Meeting. Due to the “virtual” nature of this year’s event, there will not be a typical vote by messengers. In cases like this where a traditional vote is difficult, the BCI bylaws allow for voting by the Executive Board. They are prepared to do this but they would like feedback from BCI church leaders on these critical recommendations.

The BCI Executive Board has made two critical recommendations.

At the Town Hall Meetings, the Board will introduce the two critical recommendations they will be voting on. The first recommendation is to increase BCI giving to the Cooperative Program in 2021. The second recommendation they will be voting on is the proposed 2021 BCI Budget.

We want to hear from YOU.

In order to garner feedback and questions from the BCI pastors and church leaders, the board will conduct town hall meetings in advance of the Annual Meeting via Zoom. There will be several Executive Board members present at each Town Hall Meeting to hear your input. As there will be no messengers this year, the Executive Board wants to be confident that they have an accurate understanding of BCI churches when they vote on these issues.

In addition to the discussion during the Town Hall, we encourage you to provide feedback to the members of the Executive Board about these recommendations by sending an email to feedback@bciowa.org.

Schedule & Registration

All meetings will be video conferences conducted via Zoom. The length of the meeting will depend on audience participation but we will strive to limit the meeting to 1 hour. Please register for the meeting that works with your schedule so that we will know how many to accommodate for each meeting.

Tuesday, October 20

Thursday, October 22

Have a BCI church story to share?

We love to share stories of BCI churches and draw attention to the work God is doing in our convention. Submit your story using the online form.