The 5 Stages of Discipleship

Spiritual Formation Grid • Tim Trudeau • Grace Community, Boone

A Discipleship Tool from Pastor Tim Trudeau

Growing as a disciple of Christ is a process. Pastor Tim Trudeau of Grace Community Church in Boone has developed a step-by-step approach that he has formulated into a comprehensive discipleship tool, a “Spiritual Formation Grid” that we have titled, “The 5 Stages of Discipleship.” Listen to the audio interview to learn how to utilize this tool in your discipleship process at your church.

Pastor Tim Trudeau • Grace Community Church, Boone

Featured Tool

The Cultivation Co-Op aims to bring practical tools and useful resources to help pastors & church leaders like you make disciples and develop leadership. Pastor Tim Trudeau has developed this Spiritual Formation Grid to foster 1-on-1 discipleship among his church members.

The 5 Stages of Discipleship

A Spiritual Formation Grid

This practical tool is suitable to be used by anyone in your church, at any stage of spiritual maturity, to have intentional, 1-on-1 discipleship meetings.

“There are steps to the spiritual growth process. The more intentional you are about identifying and acting on those steps the more likely you are to make progress. Intentionality is everything when it comes to growing in your faith.”

Pastor Bio

Tim Trudeau

Lead Pastor
Grace Community Church
Boone, Iowa

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