Dr. Cory Gonyo – NEW PART-TIME ROLE with PCCT
We are excited to introduce Dr. Cory Gonyo, who has joined the Baptist Convention of Iowa’s (BCI) Pastor & Church Connection Team (PCCT) in a part-time capacity. As of August 1st, Pastor Cory will begin his role of supporting pastors and churches in the Eastern part of Iowa.

Supporting Pastors and Churches: The Focus of the PCCT
The PCCT is dedicated to providing essential support to BCI pastors, churches, and staff. Team members provide encouragement, mentoring, sharing valuable resources, and facilitating networking opportunities. Pastor Cory will work closely with Ed Gregory in East Iowa where he is eager to offer encouragement and support to churches and pastors based on his own experience of being encouraged and supported in his pastoral ministry.
Pastor Cory’s Ministry Journey
Following God’s call to ministry, Pastor Cory pursued theological education, earning MDiv, DMin, PhD, and ThM degrees from Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (MBTS) in Kansas City. He has gained diverse experience, having served 9 years in South Dakota, with 3 years as a youth pastor and 6 years as an associate pastor. Before answering the call to pastor in Bettendorf, he dedicated 8 years of service with the IMB in Southeast Asia. In addition, Pastor Cory serves as an adjunct professor at MBTS and is a member of the IMB trustee board. expressing gratitude for the support that BCI provides to IMB through the Cooperative Program and the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering.
Pastor Cory currently serves as the Pastor of First Baptist Church of Bettendorf since 2014, alongside Co-Pastor Evan Nutter. Together, they have emphasized the significance of book-by-book expository preaching and teaching of God’s Word. Their church operates as an elder-led, deacon-served, congregational church.
A Heart for Biblical Churches in the Midwest
Originally from Wisconsin, Pastor Cory developed a vision for doctrinally-sound, biblical church ministry while in South Dakota, where he met his wife, Carla, whose family also has roots in the state. Seeking guidance about where they should serve, they were advised by Dr. Coppenger, President of MBTS in the 1990s, to serve in regions with fewer biblical churches than in the South. This led them to return to the Midwest and to Iowa, between their two families geographically, where they found a calling to support the growth of biblical churches. Cory and Carla trust that God has great plans for building His church in the Midwest and they consider it a privilege to be a part of what He is doing.
Pastor Cory’s Hope for Ministry
When asked about his hope for this ministry opportunity, Pastor Cory expressed his gratitude for those who had been in this role before him, such as recent leaders Chris McRae, Ed Gregory, and Bob Allen. He highlighted the essence of the role being “pastors encouraging pastors,” explaining that this ministry had played a crucial role during moments of discouragement in his own ministry. He now aspires to provide those same words of wisdom and perseverance to fellow pastors, helping them stay true to their pastoral calling and letting them know they are not alone in their journey.
Have a BCI church story to share?
We love to share stories of BCI churches and draw attention to the work God is doing in our convention. Submit your story using the online form.